One or More Employees

Privacy Rights
The California Constitution guarantees a right to privacy.(13) Courts have interpreted the right to privacy to cover employment issues such as drug testing, personnel files and information, background investigations, medical information, financial records, political affiliation, polygraph testing and searches of employee property.



This memo is to notify all employees that the company policy relative to use of company equipment is as follows:

Company X provides equipment and systems to all employees to assist in performance of their job. These systems include but are not limited to telephone, fax, e-mail, voice mail, computers, LAN/WAN, Internet, VAX, copiers. These tools are to be used to increase efficiency and productivity and to expand business opportunities:

  1. All electronic equipment and systems are the property of Company X.
  2. All messages, data, tests, etc. composed upon, sent or on these systems are the property of Company X. They are not the private property of any employee.
  3. No personal or private messages, test or data should be placed on any Company X system, at the risk of these transmissions being read by others.
  4. No systems may be used for soliciting employees or others for religious, political or other non-job related functions, either for private uses or for outside organizations without specific permission by Company X management.
  5. Systems are not to be used to create or distribute any offensive or disruptive messages such as statements or material containing sexual, racial or gender related comments.
  6. No employee may send, seek to acquire, compose or transmit any materials that contain offensive or harassing statements or materials. This includes, but is not limited to, comments or materials of a sexual nature, media expressing political beliefs or materials which are hostile or discriminatory towards individuals or groups of individuals based on age, religion, gender, race, color, national origin, pregnancy, sexual orientation, disability, and/or other recognized, protected classes. Any abuse of Company X’s equipment or systems may result in disciplinary actions up to and including termination, even for first time violations of the above.
  7. The electronic systems are not to be used to send or receive copyrights materials, trade secrets, proprietary financial information except Company X generated information.
  8. The Company reserves and may exercise the right to review, audit, intercept, access and disclose all messages created, received, or sent over Company X systems. The contents of information obtained by such reviews or audits may be read by Company management, without the permission of the employee.
  9. No messages are confidential. Even when a message is erased, it is still possible to retrieve and read that message. Further, the use of passwords for security does not guarantee confidentiality. All passwords must be disclosed to the company upon request.
  10. Individual office home pages should not be set-up on the Internet. Employees are reminded that Company X has it’s own home page which is maintained as needed.
  11. Referencing Company X on personal home pages is discouraged. To maintain Company X’s image consistency, advertising references to Company X on personal home pages is discouraged and should be approved in advance by the Geographic Division Manager.
  12. Please refer to Company X’s E-mail and Internet Usage Guidelines.

Employee Signature:_____________________________Date:_________________